Typical food of Qatar who once hosted the world cup - NEWSUPDATE Typical food of Qatar who once hosted the world cup

Typical food of Qatar who once hosted the world cup

Typical food of Qatar who once hosted the world cup


Madrooba presents a different sensation of eating porridge. How not, because this porridge is often used as a side dish.

Madrooba is chicken or fish that has gone through a cooking process for 2 hours, then pounded until smooth like mush. The way it is served is with butter or milk, and rice or flatbread as a complement.

Kousa Mahshi

If you look only at its shape, Kousa Mahshi is indeed very different from most side dishes in Indonesia. Even so, the taste of this dish is extraordinary, you know. This food is made of zucchini, aka vegetables such as eggplant, and filled with lamb, rice and vegetables. The taste is savory and rich in spices.

Umm Ali

The sweet, soft and creamy sensation definitely comes together when you try this Qatari dessert. The method for making umm ali is similar to bread pudding, namely mixing puff pastry with milk and cream. After that, give a sprinkling of dates, nuts, and cinnamon powder as a topping.


If in Indonesia pancakes use sugar and sweet ingredients, in Qatar they use spices. Khanfaroosh is a pancake-like dessert dish made from a mixture of rice flour, sugar, ground cardamom, and ground saffron. After that, a sprinkling of powdered sugar becomes a complement as well as a topping.


If the Khanfaroosh is small, then the rogag is like a pancake with a large size. What really sets it apart, though, is that rogags come with a filling of meat, egg, vegetables, or whatever combination the maker wants. Apart from that, you also need to add a spread of cheese or honey as a topping.

Interested in tasting all the foods above, but afraid of breaking the budget? You need to know that food prices in Qatar are around QAR 16-30. Not only that, the portion is big enough so that your stomach is guaranteed to be satisfied.

Cek Profile : Zonahobisaya
Labels: FOOD

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